Saturday, May 14, 2011

apathy? ambivalence? arrogance? acceptance!

I don't know what it is about Spring/Summer beginning but it seems to make everyone go crazy.  Late night TV is ruined by P90X infomercials (except for the guys doing the work out. That's worth it) and NutriSystem advertisements (no attractive men).  But mostly all I hear is an unwillingness to accept ourselves as we've been created.  I get the "be healthy/your body is your temple" thing, but we've taken that way above and beyond.  The problem is that we are focusing on our bodies being temples; maybe instead we should focus on being the temples.  Where is God in all of this? Is God amidst our selfish thoughts? Our inferior pride? How are we glorifying God by telling the Almighty/ourselves/others we are not beautiful? In whose image were we created? I accept myself and love myself, but most of all I love the God I serve.

On a totally unrelated note, my boss at Starbucks told me he's giving me more hours because I'm doing awesome and learning a lot. Yes. Affirmation is great.

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