Monday, January 10, 2011

moving out

Well, my parents are cleaning house getting read for the big move to Africa.  I have thoroughly packed up everything I own and cleaned out my room.  Though I should probably be in hysterics, I feel peace about the whole situation.  Not knowing when I will be employed or where to store my things keeps me dependent on God, but altogether I have high hopes for whatever plans the Almighty might have.  Being an adult certainly isn't all it's cracked up to be - since when do 20-somethings have to look at life insurance policies?  Despite my mentality that I'm still in high school, I'm obliged (can you tell I've been reading Austen) to engage in grownup things like insurance, rent, phone bills, etc.  

Back to my parents moving to Africa.  It seems everything I hear or read relates to my parents leaving.  I'm thrilled that my parents are doing what they are doing but I can't seem to stop my eyes from embracing tears whenever I hear something that relates.  At church yesterday I had to stop singing a hymn for fear of an all-out cry sesh in the middle of worship.  The culprit? A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. The words? See below.

Let goods and kindred go,
this mortal life also;
the body they may kill; 
God's truth abideth still; 
his kingdom is forever.

Amen and amen.  

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